School Community

School is an integral part of the community and the community is an  integral part of school. Community resources are utilised to enrich school programme

Home & School
On accepting a child at Hillwoods School the Principal and staff are committed to provide a suitable environment within which each student will be motivated to develop his/her academic, physical and personal faculties. Here, the school lays great emphasis on keeping a close, interactive communication with the parents in order to establish conditions for joint effort. School resources are made available to better the community
The School
  1. Strives to meet student’s personal and academic needs and to further the development of moral values
  2. To provide an environment in which the students feel valued and learn to work together in harmonious cooperation
  3. To give a challenging and balanced curriculum with a wide range of co-curricular activity
  4. To provide  personal guidance
  5. To inspire students to achieve high quality learning
  6. To be sensitive to respond to students and the guardians’ aspirations
  7. To give fair and equitable treatment along with opportunities to all


Though exploring academic excellence to the maximum of each one’s potential is the principal objective, equal importance is given to life beyond the school by inculcating in them self-confidence, self-discipline and ability to shoulder responsibilities and challenge. It tries to nurture honesty, courtesy, fairness and trustworthiness.

The School insists on high personal and co-operative behavior.  Parents are expected to support this objective and ensure  personal and moral discipline of their wards. A partnership between home and school which support student learning.

The students will be required to attend all activities and functions, after school hours, during holidays, at week-ends at all times,  on or off the school premises.

Parents are urged not to request absence of their ward for less than vital reasons.

In the interest of the school, the Principal may refuse request for absence, particularly in respect of holidays. The decision would be final.

We do not encourage impromptu absenteeism, except in an emergency. A prior written application is a must. In case of an emergency, a note must explain the reason for sudden absence.

The school reserves the right to take appropriate measures where a student is in breach of school discipline and conduct rules.

Where disciplinary decisions have to be taken, every effort will be made by the school to inform the sensitivity of the issue after proper investigation. Parents are expected to support and cooperate in maintaining the discipline, code of conduct and ethos of the school.

The Principal reserves the right to suspend or expel a student where deemed necessary. In academic matters, every care will be taken to advise parents about the child, according to his or her abilities.

Choice of syllabus, assessments, marking references, classes and sections and tutor and teaching remain matters for the school’s professional judgment.

The school expects the parents, preferably both father and mother, to attend PTMs regularly in order to play an important part in performance.

Parents are expected to ensure that their wards attend the school and all related activities, regularly and punctually.

Parents are asked to ensure that the students are dressed as per school uniform code and that they devote adequate amount of time to academic work at home.

Parents should ensure the student’s attending the school.  They are required to keep a close and proper control, supervision and guidance in respect of the child’s behavior.


The school has dedicated teaching faculty who employ innovative teaching methods and audio-visual aids for dissemination of their ideas. Our experienced faculty members constantly strive to improve the academic knowledge of pupils as well as inculcate values of discipline, commitment and dedication.

Classroom Management

This term refers to the procedures, strategies and instructional techniques teachers use to manage students’ general behavior and learning activities. Effective classroom management creates an environment that is conducive to teaching and learning. It is the most important, and the most difficult skill a teacher must master. At the school, we strive to ensure this. All academic programme and activities help the students to develop self confidence and disciplined way of life.


The school library is housed in a spacious room, designed in such a way so as to encourage students to develop an interest in a variety of subjects. It has large number of books and periodicals. It is a repository of  knowledge benefiting students immensely.



Well equipped Science laboratories and computer Lab are a valuable asset for the school as it is where the students gain practical knowledge and its diverse application in day to day life.


For smooth functioning of the school, a dedicated administrative staff is an asset to the institution. Hard work and dedication are the key principles governing the  administrative staff who provide invaluable service to the school.
Medical Care
A medical officer on regular basis checks physical growth of all the students and advises them for improvement in their health. Medical aid is given to all the students whether it is a sports injury or any other ailment. Adequate provision is kept to provide first aid and in emergency students are taken to specialists in a hospital.
A bi-annual Newsletter and annual Souvenir are published regularly and provided to students as well as parents to apprise them of achievements of school in academics, co-curricular and sports activities

Many educational trips are organized every year for a new learning experience for our students, staying at Campus sites, learning adventure sports, interacting with village folks and sight seeing brings innovativeness in their thinking and broadens their horizon. Away from their homes and families, students develop the skills of cooperation, sharing and camaraderie.



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